Toefl speaking 공부
2021. 9. 9. 12:04
The man and the woman are discussing a university's plan to offer free tutoring.
The university recently announced that first-year students will be able to receive tutoring to help them overcome difficulties in their first year of study.
The woman thinks it is a fantastic idea, and she mentions that the tutoring will not only help new students with actual coursework, but will also help to teach them valuable skills like time management and how to take notes well.
She also likes the fact that new students will be tutored by someone who has already studied in their chosen academic field.
She thinks the tutors will be able to provide excellent advice on books and classes based on their own experiences.
1, 전체 주체
2. 주체에 대한 보충 설명
3. 여성의 의견 3개 정리.
